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6400 South, University Drive Road North, Omaha, NE 68182

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This public event will launch and celebrate the Tell All the Truth Project, a new public humanities collaboration between the UNO Department of English and the UNO History Department. Funded by the Mellon foundation, the project aims to foster social justice in Omaha through community-based historical inquiry and creative expression.  


Project leaders will offer an overview of various opportunities for people to get involved with the initiative and will be available to answer questions. Examples of the creative work the project will support will be on display.


This event is free to attend but RSVPs are requested!


Refreshments will be served. Parking for non-UNO attendees will be available in the CEC lot E.

Any questions? Contact:


Learn more about the project and the grant funding here:

Event Details

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See Who Is Interested

  • Heike Langdon
  • Jennie Tobler-Gaston

3 people are interested in this event

User Activity

The event was lovely. Good turnout and great food.