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The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature will host the 18th Annual Colloquium on Language Teaching, to take place Saturday February 10, 2024, 10:00 AM-1:00 PM over Zoom.


This event is free to attend, but registration is required


This year’s Colloquium includes a Keynote Address by Dr. Claudia Fernádez (University of Illinois at Chicago). With more than 20 years of language teaching experience, Dr. Fernández' research interests are in the area of task-based language teaching, materials development, and input processing. She is the co-editor of Using Language Learning Materials: Theory and Practice (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), the co-author of the textbooks Aula en acción (Klett World Languages) and the author of "What is and what is not comprehension-based communicative language teaching?" (Klett World Languages, 2024). She is the current recipient of the Teaching Recognition Program award at UIC for excellence in teaching.


If you have questions, you can contact:
- Marie Lee at
- Dr. Jose Sequeros-Valle at
- Dr. Cecilia Tocaimaza-Hatch at

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